Saturday, March 24, 2012

How to fix security digital signature hang problem in Oracle Forms

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficial, the most Merciful

In this article i will be describing "How to fix security digital signature hang problem in Oracle Forms". When you try to launch Forms application the following signature verification window open to trust it or not.

Figure - 1

You will be unable to click the Run or Cancel buttons. Only thing you can do is to open the task manager and kill the forms application. It is due to the sequence in which browser load the jar files in "archive" or "WebutilArchive" parameters in formsweb.cfg file. This problem has following workarounds.

1. Change the sequence of jar files in "archive" and "WebutilArchive" parameters in formsweb.cfg file.
2. set the parameter separateFrame = false and launch the application, Trust the digital signature and then return back to separateFrame = true.

Insha-Allah this will help and serve the purpose. For any corrections and improvements please suggest.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

How to connect Oracle Database to Microsoft SQL Server by using Heterogeneous Services

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficial, the most Merciful

In this article i will be describing "How to connect Oracle Database to Microsoft SQL Server by using Heterogeneous Services". Access and other databases can also be connected by this method. First of all we need to create ODBC connection on oracle host machine. Go to "Control Panel" -> "Administrative Tools" -> "Data Sources (ODBC)" following screen will appear.

Figure - 1

Click on Add button.
Figure - 2

Select "SQL Server" and click Finish button.
Figure - 3

Name the Data Source and provide the Server information as shown above and click Next button.

Figure - 4

Provide login information and click Next button.
Figure - 5

Select the default database from list and click Next button.
Figure - 6

Optionally check the logging for query and statistics and click Finish button.

Figure - 7

Click the "Test Data Source" button.
Figure - 8

Click Ok button. Now create a init<ODBC>.ora file in ORACLE_HOME\hs\admin as follows.

Figure - 9

Add the SID_DESC in SID_LIST_LISTENER parameter in listener.ora file as shown in screen below.

Figure - 10

Now restart listener by "lsnrctl reload" command.

lsnrctl reload

Create a connection sting in tnsnames.ora file as shown in figure below.

Figure - 11

check the string by tnsping command

tnsping attendence

 Now create a database link for the Sql Server database as follows.


Now query the table in SQL Server from oracle by following query.

SELECT "acol", "bcol"
FROM     atab@SQLSRV;

Insha-Allah this will help and serve the purpose. For any corrections and improvements please suggest.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to write Webutil dlls in user's home directory

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficial, the most Merciful

In this article i will be describing "How to write Webutil dlls in user's home directory". Its need arises in Window 7 where normally users don't have write access to JRE directory and Webutil by default write its dlls in JRE\bin directory. These dlls are as follows.

1. jacob.dll
2. d2kwut60.dll
3. JNIsharedstubs.dll

Open the webutil.cfg file. You can find its location by finding the WEBUTIL_CONFIG parameter in default.env file. Look for "install.syslib.location.client.<os>" parameter in webutil.cfg file. Set this parameter to the directory where you want webutil to download its dlls. If you specify the absolute path then files will be download as indicated and if you specify relative path then files will be downloaded in users home directory + your specified path. Replace "<os>" tag with 0 in-case of windows and with 1 in-case of linux. Normally clients are on windows. You can specify values as follows.


Insha-Allah this will help and serve the purpose. For any corrections and improvements please suggest.